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Welcome, wanderer. Thanks for visiting my home place. I hope you will feel at home too and that you will find here fun, useful or interesting information.

Please keep in mind that everything here is free and that you may use it in any way you like.

Go on, choose one of the following topics...

Commodore 64

Tribute to my first personal computer.


Personal illustrations: paper, Commodore 64, Amiga and PC.

Short Stories

Only two of them, not very good. You have been warned.

About the Author

My name is Philippe Lesire. I live in Belgium and my mother language is French. I was born late in 1970 and I am a programmer.

About the Website

I  started this website in January 1998. Activity has been slowing down to a final crawl in 2005.

That's right folks, you're looking at a real fossil of the web. You may want to have a look at what it was like when it was still alive at Archive.org

I gave it a new look just for fun. Hope you like it...

Oh! And this is not work in progress, this is deliberate.